11. If your state permits it, try to freeze your credit reports. By doing that, you can prevent credit issuers from accessing your credit files except when expressed permission is given. In most states, security freezes are available at no cost.
12. Several companies can offer credit monitoring services for an annual fee which ranges from $50-$120 a year as mentioned above, So, try to take advantage.
13. There are many products that you can use for identity theft insurance. I don’t suggest them unless they are free or a cheap add-on to an insurance policy that already exists.
14. When you are using passwords and PINs, try not to use the last four digits of your Social Security number, birth date, middle name, consecutive numbers or anything else that a thief can easily find out. Always try to look for passwords that will combine both letters and numbers.
15. Try to ask your financial institutions to add extra security protection to your account. Most of them will let you make use of more than one when they access your account. Once again, don’t use easy numbers to figure out. If you are asked to create a reminder question, try not to use one which can be answered easily by others.
16. Try to keep all your passwords in your memory. Don’t write them down on paper.
17. Cover your hand when you are using an ATM machine or debit when you type in your password.
18. Try to protect your Social Security number at all costs. Only give it out when it is most necessary, as it is precisely this kind of information that thieves tend to look for. If a business requests your SSN, you should try to ask if there is an alternative number that can be made use of instead. Ask to have a look at the company's written policy on SSNs.
19. Try not to have your SSN or driver's license number mentioned on your checks. This might sound like its obvious, but you would be surprised at how many people make this mistake.
20. Do mention your SSN out loud in public. Try not to let anyone mention it out loud for you either.
21. Try to examine your Social Security Personal Earnings and Benefits Estimate Statement on a yearly basis.
22. Don’t carry your SSN card in your wallet unless you know that you will be using it. Try to photocopy your cards instead and make them wallet size.
23. If you live in a state that makes use of the SSN as your driver's license number, I would tell you to just ask for another number.
24. Try to use a firewall on your home computer which will help you to keep hackers from getting hold of your personal identifying and financial data from your hard drive. This will be even more important if you are using DSL or cable modem.
Keep reading our guide for more tips on how to recover from bankruptcy efficiently, Identity Theft Prevention 5